Student Reports Peers’ Plan for Mass Shooting

Three boys at a California high school talk about their plans for a mass shooting at the school. Other students hear the conversation and report them to the school administration….

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School Officials Report Students’ Plot for School Violence

The boys had been researching weapons, explosives, and how to disarm people online. One cooperates, and one flees…

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Police Receive Tip of Student’s Bomb Threat to School

The student is seen in possession of ammunition, a machete, and Molotov cocktails. Police receive a tip from a 911 caller (a fellow student and his family) that the student has made a bomb…

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Woman Alerts Police to Strange Activity, Materials for Violent School Attack Uncovered

In his first journal entry on July 24, 2013, the student lists a detailed plan for killing his family, the school liaison officer at his high school and students. Over the nine months covered in the notebook, he never changes those plans….

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Teacher Prevents High School Shooting

The suspect steals his father’s .357 magnum and brings it to school. He fires a round into the gym floor, then runs to the cafeteria and fires a round into the ceiling. Students panic…

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Parent Alerts School to Son’s Potentially Violent Attack

Former student allegedly purchases the shotgun and ammunition he intends to use in a school shooting within two years of his plot….

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Peer Reports Home Schooler’s Violent Plans for Local High School

A U.S. home schooled student meets a Finnish boy described as an outcast, online through a YouTube video-sharing site. The two communicate online about the Columbine massacre….

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Teacher and Pastor Talk Armed Student Out of Committing Violence

A student takes a pistol into a second floor classroom around 1:00pm. One teacher and 29 students are present in the classroom at his high school….

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Gun Store Owner Reports Potential School Shooter

According to police, the student withdrew from classes at his university on 3/21/16. The former student’s mother stated that she spoke with her son earlier in the day…

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Students Report Fellow Student’s Plans for Violence, Student Unable to Obtain Weapons

Police found a journal in his bedroom that listed about 20 people as targets, with the idea to “take out a school resource officer” first…

[idz_button color=”gold” size=”small” link=”/students-report-fellow-students-plans-for-violence-student-unable-to-obtain-weapons/” target=”_self” class=”” type=”square”]READ FULL REPORT[/idz_button]