Thank you for contributing your report to the Averted School Violence (ASV) reporting system. The value of the system depends on efforts like yours to share lessons learned so that others may learn from the reported event and improve school safety.

Now that you have submitted your report, here are the next steps in the process:

  1. Your report will undergo a two-stage review process. In the first stage, the report will be reviewed to ensure that all identifying information is removed. This step is taken to ensure the anonymity of the reporter and the parties involved in the near miss event. The system is not intended to find fault with the submitter or their respective organization.
  2. Once the report has been screened to ensure anonymity, it will be submitted to the second stage of the review process. In this stage, the report will be reviewed by a group of school violence experts to verify the validity of the report (i.e. not a fraudulent submission) and to potentially offer additional insights regarding lessons learned.
  3. If the report clears the review process, it will be published in the Report Library, which can be found by clicking “Browse Reports” from the ASV homepage.
  4. Please note, we will try to publish your report as quickly as possible, typically within 7-14 business days. However, there may be instances in which a report cannot be posted in a timely manner. For example, if an incident is very high profile and would thus readily identify the school or person(s) involved, the report may be posted at a later date.
  5. Should you have any questions about the report submission process, please feel free to contact us at

Thank you again for your support and participation in this important endeavor. Every new report gives students, school officials, parents, mental health professionals, and law enforcement personnel the information they may need to prevent future acts of school violence.


[idz_button color=”gold” size=”large” link=”/reports/” target=”_self” class=”” type=”square”]Browse Reports[/idz_button]   [idz_button color=”gold” size=”large” link=”/report/” target=”_self” class=”” type=”square”]Submit Another Report[/idz_button]
