Tag Archive for: social media

Felon in Possession of a Firearm Makes School Threats

Suspect made threats over social media saying that he was going to shoot up the local college campus…

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College Student Posts Threats on Reddit

The university police department and university crisis team begin receiving notice of a person identifying themself as a student of the university and posting on Reddit about admiring school shooters…

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Student Alerts Police to School Violence Threat on Snapchat

A 16-year-old student posts an image on Snapchat, with a caption stating that he is planning to shoot students at his high school the next day….

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Students Alert SRO to Fellow Student’s Violent Social Media Posts

A 17-year-old male student posts online about his dissatisfaction with various individuals at his high school, according to court records and social media….

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Armed Man Surrenders After Standoff with Police on College Campus

Neighbors say that the man (not a student of the school) snaps when he is denied disability benefits from an accident at a college campus on 8/22/12. The man posts on Facebook about his anger on 12/9/15…

[idz_button color=”gold” size=”small” link=”/armed-man-surrenders-after-standoff-with-police-on-college-campus/” target=”_self” class=”” type=”square”]READ FULL REPORT[/idz_button]

Two Students Post Photo Holding Firearms on Instagram

Two high school boys (student 1 and student 2) post pictures on Instagram posing with firearms. The photos are captioned: “Schools gonna be fun tomorrow” and “School will be interesting tomorrow.” The captions also included the hashtag, “#RIPMHS.”…

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Two Students Threaten Violence at Homecoming Events

In early September of 2015, two students make shooting threats over Facebook and threaten various classmates in person. They allegedly intend to disrupt a variety of Homecoming events…

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Student’s Instagram Post About School Violence Reported

A student posts a photo on Instagram and writes that his mother made him stop playing a video game, and that “[He] will just play Call of Duty at school…

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Parent Alerts School to Son’s Potentially Violent Attack

Former student allegedly purchases the shotgun and ammunition he intends to use in a school shooting within two years of his plot….

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Threatened Student Reports Fellow Students’ Violent Social Media Posts

October 27, 2015, a male student creates an insulting Instagram post about a 17-year-old girl at his high school. The teen girl retaliates by posting on Instagram and insulting the male student, and a feud ensues between the girl, the male student…

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