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224 search results for: shooting


Student Alerts Police to School Violence Threat on Snapchat

A 16-year-old student posts an image on Snapchat, with a caption stating that he is planning to shoot students at his high school the next day….

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Middle School Counselor Talks Armed Student Out of Violent Attack

A student goes to see the school counselor after his first period class, and tells her that she is the only one that can talk him out of something. According to the County Sheriff, the student tells the counselor that he is going to kill some teachers and a police officer…

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Two Students Post Photo Holding Firearms on Instagram

Two high school boys (student 1 and student 2) post pictures on Instagram posing with firearms. The photos are captioned: “Schools gonna be fun tomorrow” and “School will be interesting tomorrow.” The captions also included the hashtag, “#RIPMHS.”…

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Two Students Threaten Violence at Homecoming Events

In early September of 2015, two students make shooting threats over Facebook and threaten various classmates in person. They allegedly intend to disrupt a variety of Homecoming events…

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Text a Tip Alerts Police to Students’ Violent Plot

At least two months before the planned attack, student 1 publishes violent posts on her social media account. A friend sees that student 1’s Tumblr page is filled with violent images, and confronts her about it….

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Students Report Fellow Student’s Violent Plot to Assistant Principal

A male student threatens to harm other students and to shoot people. Fellow students report the threats and a conversation they overheard by the potential attacker to the assistant principal…

[idz_button color=”gold” size=”small” link=”/students-report-fellow-students-violent-plot-to-assistant-principal/” target=”_self” class=”” type=”square”]READ FULL REPORT[/idz_button]


School Officials and SRO Become Aware of School Violence Plot

On Tuesday, after classes had finished for the day, “school officials and the school resource officer became aware of rumors circulating between students at the school”. “The rumors indicated that a student was planning a mass shooting on Friday January 27th….”

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Parent Overhears and Reports Students’ Violent Plot

A parent overhears two students discussing their plans to ‘shoot up’ the school in a manner ‘bigger than Columbine.'” The two students were also overheard discussing the types of firearms they would use, and the effectiveness of various firearms. The parent who overheard the two students’ conversation took a photo of them…

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Woman Alerts Police to Strange Activity, Materials for Violent School Attack Uncovered

In his first journal entry on July 24, 2013, the student lists a detailed plan for killing his family, the school liaison officer at his high school and students. Over the nine months covered in the notebook, he never changes those plans….

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