Student Brings Knife and Kill List to School

The suspect brought in a gas mask to school and made comments about the Las Vegas mass shooting. Witnesses also claim that they saw a knife in his backpack.

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Online Bullying Almost Results in High School Attack

The suspect posted a picture of guns and bullets onto his Instagram story, tagging former professional players and his high school.

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Student Makes Threats to Peer

In a conversation with another student the day after the Parkland shooting, the suspect makes threats to commit a mass shooting at their high school.

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Frustrated Student Makes Threats at High School

Student tells other students and at least one administrator in what appears to be a cry for help that he is angry and frustrated, and wants to “do damage by shooting up the school”.

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SRO Overhears a Student Threat

A security officer at the high school overhears a 17-year-old say the following to another student: “I guarantee you the school will be shot up in three weeks.”

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Father Finds Daughter’s Journal with Plot for Violence

The suspect’s father finds her journal that outlines the plot. Journal entries dated back to December 2016 and described a timeline and phases of the attack.

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Student Turns Himself in to Counselor before Attack

On 6-22-2004, the perpetrator brought two handguns and ammunition in a backpack to the school, arriving at the normal time of approximately 0715 hrs.

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Michigan Tip Line (OK2SAY) Works

Suspect solicited various students for a gun. The suspect continued to solicit students for a gun and told some students at the lunch table who he wanted to shoot before shooting himself.

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Former Student Prepares to Attack High School SRO and Students

The suspect had moved away from his home state to live in a treatment center for troubled teens. Upon returning home from the center, he messaged a friend from the treatment center saying that he was plotting a school shooting. He had recently purchased a shotgun and multiple boxes of ammunition.

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High School Student Hides Rifle in Guitar Case

The suspect’s grandmother finds his journal that contains plans to shoot students and use homemade explosives at his school. She finds the journal when he leaves to go to a friend’s house. She then makes copies of the journal entries and puts the journal back on his bed that night…

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