Tag Archive for: Bomb/Explosive

LE Discovers Would-Be Campus Attacker during Unrelated Arrest

Authorities find hunting guns (a stolen scoped rifle and a stolen double-barrel shotgun), body armor, three knives, a machete and six Molotov cocktails…

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Police Receive Tip of Student’s Bomb Threat to School

The student is seen in possession of ammunition, a machete, and Molotov cocktails. Police receive a tip from a 911 caller (a fellow student and his family) that the student has made a bomb…

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School Officials Report Students’ Plot for School Violence

The boys had been researching weapons, explosives, and how to disarm people online. One cooperates, and one flees…

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Woman Alerts Police to Strange Activity, Materials for Violent School Attack Uncovered

In his first journal entry on July 24, 2013, the student lists a detailed plan for killing his family, the school liaison officer at his high school and students. Over the nine months covered in the notebook, he never changes those plans….

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Peer Reports Home Schooler’s Violent Plans for Local High School

A U.S. home schooled student meets a Finnish boy described as an outcast, online through a YouTube video-sharing site. The two communicate online about the Columbine massacre….

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Students Report Fellow Student’s Plans for Violence, Student Unable to Obtain Weapons

Police found a journal in his bedroom that listed about 20 people as targets, with the idea to “take out a school resource officer” first…

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Teacher Physically Restrains Would-Be School Attacker, Prevents Attack

A 17-year-old suspect, sets off two pipe bombs. The suspect has eight more pipebombs in his vest. He also has a chainsaw, facemask, and a sword concealed in a guitar case with him, according to police…

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Student Reports Fellow Students’ Violent Attack Plans in Online Chat Room

Four eighth grade boys talk about a mass murder scheme in an online chat room on May 12, 2016. Their posts in the chat room indicate that they are planning to bomb school grounds…

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Peer Reports Student’s Violent Threats

A male student tries to recruit other students in the school cafeteria to be part of his school violence plot involving guns and explosives…

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Law Enforcement Officers Arrest Couple That Planted Fake Bomb at School

A couple plants a fake bomb at an elementary school. It contains gunpowder, modeling clay, and a timer, but no detonator….

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